12 July 2022

Rising energy prices – Is investing in real estate in Switzerland still a good idea?

2022 is a record year.

Nevertheless, there are some results that we would have liked to ignore. This is the case for the subject of rising energy prices.

Indeed, the latter make the rental costs. In fact, the inhabitants of homes heated with fossil fuels testify to this with an increase of 38% compared to the previous year.

As a result, the transition to renewable energies revives the debate with the consequent effect of a rapid amortization of costs.

Thus, discover in this article, the stakes and the consequences related to a projection of a shortage in electricity.

The pandemic and the war in Ukraine are driving up energy prices.

It must be said that the post-Covid economic recovery, coupled with the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the threat of shortages of energy raw materials have exploded in price.

Wholesale prices for heating oil, natural gas and electricity are literally exploding. Depending on the energy source, tenants are more or less exposed to the rising costs.

Electricity is a crucial energy in our country, because we produce it unlike fossil fuels.

The Confederation has been warning us for several months about the risk of a blackout.

Moreover, another major risk was identified by the Federal Office for Civil Protection: a mobile network failure for at least three days.

Bad news for the economic benefits.

So how can we prevent it?

The importance of energy sources

Another important factor in the impact of energy price increases on homeowners and tenants is the fuel used.

It is the fuel used.

Three heating systems stand out:

  • Fuel oil.
  • Gas.
  • The electric heat pump.

Between 2000 and 2020, the surfaces heated with oil have largely decreased. On the other hand, those heated with gas have practically doubled.

However, we note a spectacular rise in electric heat pump heating.

Although the latter represents a small share in the total area of energy reference, 60% of Swiss homes are still heated with fossil fuels.

Another important fact is that there are differences between the heating systems. Oil and gas consume much more energy per square meter than heat pumps. Nevertheless, the energy efficiency of electric heat pumps is much higher, due to the recovery of ambient heat.

If we compare the energy cost and heating maintenance costs for the three systems mentioned above, the cost is still higher for fossil fuel heating.

Therefore, the cost of installing an electric heat pump is more cost-effective than heating with oil and gas.

And this does not yet take into account a possible rise in the price of fossil fuels…

There is no doubt that tenants and homeowners will have to opt for new energy sources.

Rising energy prices Switzerland

How to limit the foreseeable increase in electricity prices?

Antje Kanngiesser’s intervention confirms the insistent fears of a threat of electricity shortage in Switzerland. In particular, on the risk of insufficient supply, by next winter.

Hydraulic storage reservoirs are currently low and dependence on foreign resources is increasing.

If imports decrease, consumption will follow suit. First for industries, then for citizens.

The electricity prices are set to rise massively. However, there are several financial mechanisms that providers can use to mitigate the impact.

There are alternatives to reducing your electricity bill

In Valais, a European research project is being conducted to facilitate the visualization of electricity consumption in the home.

In Thierrens, in the Canton of Vaud, some districts are 100% energy self-sufficient and rely on the storage of excess electricity to achieve their goals.

New interest rate policy changes the game

If we take into account real estate returns, in the last few years, they were based on low rates.

However, the situation has changed since the interest rate over the long term, as well as the yield premiums of direct and indirect real estate investments, are decreasing in comparison with so-called safe investments.

This trend is expected to continue, leaving government bonds and corporate bonds as alternatives.

Investors will have to focus more on the safety and growth of property income.

In Switzerland, the electrical capacity of the photovoltaic has been multiplied by 30 between 2010 and 2020. However, production is still in its infancy.

This year, solar energy could produce the equivalent of 6% of electricity consumed in Switzerland.

The goal is to quadruple the results of 2020, that is to produce 12,000 megawatts. At this rate, we could produce 50% of the electricity consumed by 2050.

Solar energy has a future, but the problem is where to position the panels.

The solar electric power has been deployed mainly on single-family homes for the past 15 years.

What’s next is going to be exciting, isn’t it?
