How does Martin see SIPA Crowd Immo compared to other companies?
SIPA Crowd Immo is an expansion of the other divisions and allows the group to diversify its activities. The new division is based on the same principle as the other divisions: to make the inaccessible, accessible to all. Indeed, many people underestimate themselves and think that they cannot have access to a tailor-made service, which is completely false because we work with very different client profiles.
By constantly innovating our way of working, we are able to transform a traditional market where demand is slowing down into a dynamic market that provides better returns. As a result, our turnkey projects are attracting more and more clients and giving SIPA Crowd Immo the credibility to compete with the biggest names in real estate investment.
What are the future prospects for SIPA Crowd Immo ?
In the short term, SIPA Crowd Immo’s objective is to become a reference for investment in French-speaking Switzerland. The very affordable entry price of our shares gives everyone the possibility to benefit from our returns. For the time being, SIPA Crowd Immo is able to satisfy the local demand even if this demand is accelerating with the development of our projects.
In the longer term, SIPA Crowd Immo is likely to be confronted with a more important demand and we will be in the obligation to develop on a national scale. A challenge that our teams are ready to take up in order to prove once again our competitiveness and our capacity to adapt and innovate.